博士. 约翰·帕特森,芝加哥警署校长

作为一个基督教团体, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to “train up a child in the way they should go” (Proverbs 22:9). This entails a multi-faceted educational experience that includes both academic excellence and a biblical worldview. Neither can be exclusive if we are to provide our students with the best opportunity to influence their community and stand firm in their faith. 一个将其人化的, academically-excellent foundation is the best way to prepare our students for 什么ever their future holds.


当毕业生进入世俗或私立大学或学院时, 一场争夺心脏的战斗即将打响. 因此, they will need the academic aptitude to engage and succeed in their college courses, 并且有坚固的信心根基. 这只有在, 从小就开始, students are surrounded by godly mentors on a daily basis 谁 help them establish not only the strong academic skill sets they need, 也是他们信仰的基础.

皇冠体育官网的学生不仅准备好了迎接学术挑战, 他们也有信仰的基础来帮助他们做出正确的选择, 用敬虔的爱服事别人, 并在他们面临挑战时给予支持. They understand that the only thing in this world that brings true contentment, 和平, 宽恕是一种与耶稣基督的关系. Thereby, they are able to find purpose, meaning, and confidently overcome any challenges they face.

While the secular culture that is often found on college campuses will guide young people to serve themselves, 皇冠体育官网 is intentional in its focus to ground students in 他们的要求 and faith journey. We desire for our graduates to understand the importance of using their academic skill sets and God-given abilities to glorify God.


The tension between secular and 基督教教育 rests in the concept of life “training.”  就像训练中的运动员, we believe that students must be trained in the truth before they are sent out to take on the world. 最终,  children cannot be a light when they do not fully understand 什么 that looks like practically or 什么 they are up against spiritually.

正如基督教作家马特·沃尔什在2017年4月3日的一篇文章中所说,作为父母,我们的工作是引导他们走上正确的道路, 给他们穿上神的军装, 求你在真理上坚固他们, 然后把他们释放给世界. 教育应该使孩子准备好高举真理的火炬. 但必须先点燃火焰, 引发了, and protected before it is the bright raging fire that we all must be if we expect to survive this culture. Our children’s education is supposed to facilitate that process and not interfere with it Our children should be fires for Christ BECAUSE of their education.”

虽然这两种类型的学校都可以提供坚实的学术基础, the Christ-centered school provides the additional layer that makes the academic foundation much richer and more relevant to the challenges students face throughout life. It provides them with the tools they need to not only have a sound mind but also a strong character.


再加上严格的学术课程, a biblical worldview found in Christ-centered schools such as 皇冠体育官网 makes the Christian school unique, 具有挑战性的, 和皇冠体育官网. A biblical worldview directs students to recognize there is absolute truth in the world. This truth motivates students to become godly leaders and love others with Christ-like love.

A biblical worldview begins with the understanding that God created all of us perfectly with different talents so we may glorify Him and serve others. Second, while we understand that He created us in His image, we accept that we are “fallen people.“然而, we have redemption because Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross at Calvary, 并最终, 通过我们得到的宽恕,我们有了希望和目标.

有了这样的理解,学生才能皇冠体育官网,而不是因为 什么 他们所做的,不过是因为 他们是神的孩子,神为他们所做的一切. 这种真理和专注是激励他们领导和皇冠体育官网的动力. 各学科、团队、合唱团、演出等. focuses on this biblical worldview to help students understand 谁 they are as children of God, 他们的要求, 也知道他们怎样作敬虔的领袖,荣耀神.


The myth of Christian “intolerance” must be addressed regarding schools like 皇冠体育官网 谁 offer an evangelical, 基督教教育. While some will call the Christian school intolerant of other views and religions, 事实并非如此. 真基督徒的目标是与人和睦相处(希伯来书12:14)。, 与信仰不同的人建立关系, 比赛, 国籍, or sex (John 4:1–42; Luke 9:1–10), 并且被召唤要谦卑, 温柔的, 像基督一样(以弗所书4:2).

Intolerance and a difference in religious viewpoints are two very different ideas. 作为基督徒,我们被召唤去爱所有的人. Those 谁 accuse Christians of being intolerant have a distorted view of 什么 tolerance really entails. 而不是接受所有的观点都是同样有效的, true tolerance involves recognizing and respecting others when we don’t approve of their values, 信仰, 和实践.

皇冠体育官网将教我们的高年级学生竞争的世界观, we unashamedly point our students to one absolute truth – the worldview of Christianity and faith in Jesus Christ. 而非宗派主义的学校会承认许多信仰和许多神, 并声称这种接触是健康的,全球性的, we believe it is confusing and does not produce the character to change the world for God’s glory. The result is an education that prepares students to work effectively with others of diverse viewpoints and backgrounds while maintaining the integrity of our 信仰 和皇冠体育官网 mission.


基督教教育不能单独做到这一点.  国度教育的概念包括基督教校舍, 基督教家庭, 以及当地教堂的合作. We can view these entities as a three-legged stool that is able to stand strong and tall if it has all three legs.  然而,去掉任何一条腿,凳子就会掉下来. The power of the Christian School and the local Christian church partnering with 基督教家庭 is a powerful combination that breeds contentment, 和平, 也是皇冠体育官网的最佳机会.

一个将其人化的, academically-excellent education founded on a Biblical worldview gives our young people the very best foundation. 那个地方位于佐治亚州中部,是第一长老会走读学校.


Dr. 自2020年6月以来,帕特森一直担任皇冠体育官网的校长. 他是一个相信以身作则的仆人式领导, 听, 并召集团队完成任务. He seeks to enhance the Christ-centered culture of encouragement and strong academic rigor that are the foundation of 皇冠体育官网. Dr. Patterson has served in education for 18 years and has been married to his wife, Cindy, for 24 years. 帕特森夫妇有一个女儿格雷西,她在桑福德大学上学.